Friday, June 26, 2009

Man thought cocaine was sex drug

A man stopped with suspected cocaine worth £6,000 thought he had bought medication for boosting his sexual performance, it was claimed in the High Court. Marek Cernay (26) said he paid £25 for four bags of powder after confiding his problems with maintaining an erection to a stranger he met at a supermarket in Coleraine, Co Londonderry, a judge was told yesterday.

Cernay, a Slovakian national with an address at Lodge Road in the town, faces a charge of possessing Class A drugs with intent to supply. He was refused bail after Mr Justice McLaughlin described his explanation as a “fairytale”.

Crown counsel Ian Tannahill said police stopped the Lexus car Cernay was driving along the Newbridge Road, Coleraine, on May 11. Bags of white powder were discovered in the vehicle, along with a number of tablets in the suspect's pocket. Mr Tannahill said that when challenged about the drugs Cernay told officers: “I have them for hard on.”

Although forensic tests are expected to take up to five months to complete, the barrister told the court that scientific information indicated 120 grams of cocaine was found. Mr Tannahill confirmed that during questioning Cernay claimed to have met a man in a Tesco car park and told him about his physical difficulties. “That male then produces these four bags of powder which are worth £6,000 and sells them to him for £25,” the prosecuting lawyer added.

Defence counsel Michael Boyd stressed that his client, an electrician and shop fitter who came to Northern Ireland more than four years ago, denied knowing he was buying cocaine. Mr Boyd said: “He has given a colourful explanation for being in possession of the items, but he maintains that explanation. He simply says he purchased them in order to enhance his sexual performance.”

But Mr Justice McLaughlin questioned the alleged circumstances of Cernay meeting someone and “within minutes discussing his erectile dysfunction... to find this man mysteriously has the answer for £25”. Refusing bail, the judge added: “This is another one for the book of fairytales, Mr Boyd, and it's going to be a long book.”

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