Upset keepers are also keeping an eye on a second cub, Aryo, who is limping.
It is thought he may have injured himself in a 'rough and tumble' which proved fatal to its sibling. Less than 600 Sumatran Tigers are left either in the wild or captivity.
A zoo spokesman said staff saw Kemala in difficulties on Thursday morning and acted quickly. "The cub was taken to the zoo's in-house vet centre and x-rayed under a general anaesthetic. Keepers and vets found she had broken both of her shoulders. These injuries most likely the result of an awkward fall."

Keepers, vet staff and the curator of mammals Neil Bemment discussed the injuries, their treatment and the cub's prospects for recovery. The decision was taken to put down the cub yesterday.
Speaking afterwards Mr Bemment said: "It was a serious injury, especially for a growing cub. The decision taken was a difficult one but it was the best thing we could do for the welfare of the animal. "The operation would have been intrusive and risky. If she had made it through then recuperation would have been long and difficult.
"We also had to consider the consequences of taking her out of the family group for treatment and whether we would be able to reintroduce her at a later date." A zoo spokesman said the cubs were being raised by their mother in an environment which is as natural as possible.
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