They struck first at opticians Dipple & Conway on Castle Street between 5.15pm on Monday, June 22 and 9am on Wednesday, June 24. Manager Crozier Collinson said: “They took the D from Dipple, the A and the Y from Conway, and tried to take the W. I'm convinced they were going for specific letters to spell a name.”
Between 7pm on June 22 and 10.30am the following day, the same offenders struck at Timberhill Tanning & Beauty, taking the letters N, N, I, N and G. Director Michelle Hudson said: “It seems to be a bit random. I haven't been able to work out what they were trying to spell. It's inconvenient and an extra expense we can do without. We're lucky we've got some other signage in the window.”

They also struck at London Camera Exchange on Timberhill, between 11.30pm on June 22 and 8.30am on June 23, removing three letters - L, O and A - from above the shop. Assistant manager Hannah Press said: “It has cost us nearly £100 to get the sign repaired. In a recession small companies like us are suffering the most and it's something else to fork out for.”
The thieves were caught on camera stealing the letters M, S, L and A from above Moss & Leakey opticians, also in Timberhill, at about 3am on June 23. Manager Marilyn Thompson said: “It's a huge annoyance. Our letters have a gold leaf covering and will cost between £250 and £280 to replace.”
Pc Rob Whiting said: “Perhaps they are fans of Countdown, but it's just outrageous that they can go round, ripping off letters and signs from shops. Businesses have a hard enough time without this, and it also makes the city look untidy. It is completely anti-social behaviour.” Several names could be spelt from the letters stolen, including Sam, Danny, Alan, Lloyd and Manning.
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