Friday, August 14, 2009

Bald penguin given wetsuit to prevent sunburn

When Ralph the penguin lost his feathers it looked like he wouldn't be able to swim with his friends at Marwell Wildlife - until he was fitted for a mini wetsuit to stop him getting sunburn. Unlike all his fellow Humboldt penguins, who lose their old feathers over a few weeks to make way for a fresh set, Ralph's fell out in just one day.

And with nothing to protect him from the weather he was at risk of severe sun burn. He faced spending a depressing three weeks indoors, away from his group and his young chicks.

But keepers took pity on him and fashioned his own wetsuit from the leg of a suit which was donated by a member of staff's husband. The nine-year-old penguin couldn't be happier with his new clothes, which have caused a stir at his enclosure in Marwell Wildlife, near Winchester, Hants.

Helen Jeffreys, from Marwell Wildlife, said: "Ralph's really taken to his new suit, he's doing really well. He doesn't really seem to notice the difference - he's swimming around the enclosure with all the other penguins as usual.

"All the other penguins, on the other hand, were intrigued by his new clothes they spent a good while checking him out. But when they realised it was still Ralph under the suit they seemed quite happy and don't really pay it any attention anymore."

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