Thursday, August 13, 2009

Councillor defends 'Assholes' car sticker

A councillor has come under fire after putting a sticker on his car saying that the town he represents is full of "assholes". Weston-super-Mare Conservative councillor Peter Bryant, an executive member for transport and community services, has a sticker on the back of his blue P-reg Mitsubishi pick up which says "For a small town, this one sure has a lot of assholes".

Mr Bryant, who represents Clarence and Uphill ward, has been a councillor for 23 years, and picks up allowances of about £23,000 a year for his work on the council. A fellow Weston councillor has described the sticker as "inappropriate", but Mr Bryant has defended it as a joke.

Mr Bryant said: "It's just a bit of fun – a joke. I don't see a problem with it being there. It's not meant to upset or offend anyone in Weston. My cousin gave it to me when I was visiting the States last year and it has been on my car for about a year.

"Not one person has commented on it and no one has asked me to remove it.
"I guess whether I have offended anyone or not will be decided by voters at the next election."

But others have taken a more dim view of the sticker, saying a leading councillor in the town should not be displaying a sign which could be deemed offensive to the very people who elected him. A fellow Tory councillor, who did not want to be named, said: "It's not the sort of thing that councillors should really be putting on their cars.

"It has been noticed by some of the other members in the council car park, but I am not sure anyone has said anything. I do not feel it is appropriate for a sticker of this kind to be on a councillor's car, especially one who is an executive member. It really is not the way of describing the people who elected you."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, there's always some wanker that expects everyone else to believe and act just the same as they do. What a boring world that would be.