Friday, August 14, 2009

London jewellery robbers wore rubber faces - Update

Armed robbers carried out Britain's biggest jewellery heist straight after having stick-on prosthetics added to their faces.

The pair hired an unsuspecting professional make-up artist who thought he was transforming them for a pop video.

He altered their looks by covering their faces with liquid latex, which was then dried and shaped.

The 29-year-old freelance artist, who cannot be identified for his own protection, also coloured their hair and skin tone during a four-hour session at a studio in London's Covent Garden.

Afterwards they changed from T-shirts and shorts into suits - and went straight to raid the Graff jewellery store in New Bond Street.

The value of the haul totalled £40million, a record for a gems robbery in the UK. Last night it was feared the stolen stones had been whisked abroad within hours of the heist - which took place last Thursday but was only revealed on Tuesday.

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