Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mona Lisa in English breakfast tea attack

A woman was being held in Paris today after attacking the Mona Lisa with a cup of English breakfast tea.

A ceramic mug full of the steaming brew was emptied all over the most famous work of art in the world in front of stunned security guards at the French capital's Louvre Museum.

They wrestled the Russian to the ground following the attack on August 2nd a Sunday - which has only just been reported. Leonardo Da Vinci's priceless masterpiece, which is known at La Joconde in France, is surrounded by bullet-proof glass which is also designed to resist heat, humidity and vibrations.

'The painting is intact and unharmed, but this violent attack was hugely worrying,' said a source at the museum.

'The woman ordered a cup of English breakfast tea in a museum cafe before heading for La Joconde and flinging the liquid all over it.

'She was arrested by security guards immediately and the police were called. She is still being held while enquiries continue.'

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