Thursday, August 13, 2009

Severed leg in formaldehyde used to warn drink drivers

A Chinese man has preserved his severed leg in formaldehyde for 20 years to warn people against the dangers of drink driving. Song Weiguo, 48, of Jiangyan in eastern China's Jiangsu province, puts his leg on display every year on the anniversary of the accident in which he lost it.

His left leg had to be amputated after he hit a tractor while driving his motorbike after drinking half a litre of liquor in 1989.

Song said: "When the doctor told me my leg had to be amputated, I cried a lot. Later I pleaded with him to let me keep the severed leg. As people in my home town don't seem to care about driving after drinking, I thought I'd take it back home with me to educate them."

Every August, he takes the leg out of its sealed tank and invites friends and people he suspects of drink driving to come and see it.

"I don't really want to look at it because it makes me quite sad every time I see it or even think of it," he said. "But it scares the hell out of people who come to visit. None of them ever drives after drinking again."

Song's wife, Xia Caiying, said her husband is obsessed with his severed leg and even talks about it in his sleep. But he is claiming credit for the fact that there has not been a single drink driving related road accident in his home town for years.

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