Sunday, September 27, 2009

Police find woman's 'body' on top of billboard

A billboard in Winston-Salem caused quite a stir in downtown Winston-Salem after someone reported seeing a woman's "body" on top of it.

The Winston-Salem Police, Winston-Salem Fire , and Forsyth County EMS responded to a security check at the location. The billboard was located on Eighth Street and North Trade Street. When emergency responders arrived, they located what appeared to be a woman lying face down on top of the billboard.

After further investigation it was determined to be a mannequin. The mannequin was placed there by personnel who were promoting an art exhibit at Southeastern Center For Contemporary Arts (SECCA).

The art exhibit in downtown Winston-Salem meant to stir conversation stopped traffic and forced a police investigation instead.

Marketing Manager, Ellen Wallace, apologized for the misunderstanding.

"We do apologize to the city, police and fire and we certainly appreciate all they do especially if it had been a live situation, but this was a public art exhibit," said Wallace.

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