Moira, the Tower of London's first female yeoman warder, is thought to have developed stress-related alopecia after nasty notes were left in her locker and her uniform was defaced. The 44-year-old began wearing a wig as the effects took hold.
And she became so overwrought that she burst into one meeting of male Yeoman Warders, pulled off her hairpiece and shouted: "Look what you b******s have done to me."

Ex-Army girl Moira was hit by the alleged campaign after her 2007 appointment. Three fellow Beefeaters are being investigated. Two have been suspended and police yesterday confirmed that one aged 56 has been cautioned for tampering with Moira's Wikipedia entry.
A Tower source said: "As a result of the stress Moira's lost her hair and is having to wear a wig. Her actions at the meeting show how much it's all got to her."
Historic Royal Palaces, which runs the Tower, said a high-level probe was under way and the claims were taken "extremely seriously".
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