Thursday, November 05, 2009

Town mourns for albino squirrel

A memorial has been built to a much-loved albino squirrel after it was squashed by a car while crossing a road.

The white squirrel known as Percy or Albi lived in a churchyard and was a popular attraction for townsfolk in Dorking, Surrey.

The squirrel in happier times.

Nature lovers sprinkled nuts for him to feed on. But there was shock last Friday when he was run over by a car near St Martin's Church, just off the High Street.

Lou Gardey was one of the first on the scene after the accident. 'Someone had just run over it and then left it lying in the road,' she said. 'I went to get a bag for him and borrowed a spade. We made a little grave for him with a little wooden cross. He was very special and people are just devastated.'

More here.

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