Monday, December 28, 2009

Kitten eaten by donkey hit by car

"Mr. Clinton" was born to a barn cat on a farm near Hope, Arkansas. When "Mr. Clinton" was a few weeks old, a donkey attacked the box he was in. His siblings were slaughtered, and Mr. Clinton lay helpless missing his left hind leg, part of his ear, and part of his tail. The owners did not seek medical attention, and Mr. Clinton lay outside and miraculously healed on his own.

Mr. Clinton is now 6 months old. About 4 to 6 weeks ago, he was ran over by a car. The impact snapped his femur away from the hip (on his ONLY back leg). Now the bone protrudes above his spine. Once again Mr. Clinton was left alone outside to heal on his own, to fight the other cats for food, and to hide from predators.

Last week, Mr. Clinton crawled underneath the car of someone who was visiting the farm and somehow managed to stay under the car for a 30 mile trip to the person's house. After finding this sick cat, the driver is trying to figure out where he came from.

An x-ray reveals that this kitty needs a hip replacement to survive. No vets in this area can do it. It has to wait until I can be got to NYC.

Full story here.

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