Monday, December 28, 2009


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Always be careful when touching a horse on the behind

Slow motion Maru

South Africans smoke vulture brains for lotto luck

Smoking dried vulture brains to have a vision of winning lotto numbers - that's why customers come to Scelo, a vendor of traditional medicines, but it's a trend being blamed for killing off South Africa's vultures.

"Vultures are scarce. I only have one every three or four months," said Scelo, a young healer in downtown Johannesburg's market for "muti", or traditional medicine. "Everybody asks for the brain. You see things that people can't see. For lotto, you dream the numbers," he said.

Rolled into a cigarette or inhaled as vapors, vulture brains can also help at the horse races, boost an exam performance, or lure more clients to a business, according to believers.

Next to snake skins and ostrich feet, as well as donkey fat to chase away bad spirits, Scelo sells a tiny bottle with just a speck of ground brains for about 50 rands (6.50 dollars, 4.50 euros).

The entire bird could go for 2,000 rands. Vulture bones or feathers can be also mixed with herbs to make medicines, said one nyanga, or traditional healer, speaking on condition of anonymity. "We make the brain dry and mix it with mud and you smoke it like a cigarette or a stick. Then the vision comes," he said.

He prescribes mainly vulture heads, which he says bring visions of the future, endowing users with the bird's excellent vision that helps them fly out of nowhere to descend on carcasses.

Kitten eaten by donkey hit by car

"Mr. Clinton" was born to a barn cat on a farm near Hope, Arkansas. When "Mr. Clinton" was a few weeks old, a donkey attacked the box he was in. His siblings were slaughtered, and Mr. Clinton lay helpless missing his left hind leg, part of his ear, and part of his tail. The owners did not seek medical attention, and Mr. Clinton lay outside and miraculously healed on his own.

Mr. Clinton is now 6 months old. About 4 to 6 weeks ago, he was ran over by a car. The impact snapped his femur away from the hip (on his ONLY back leg). Now the bone protrudes above his spine. Once again Mr. Clinton was left alone outside to heal on his own, to fight the other cats for food, and to hide from predators.

Last week, Mr. Clinton crawled underneath the car of someone who was visiting the farm and somehow managed to stay under the car for a 30 mile trip to the person's house. After finding this sick cat, the driver is trying to figure out where he came from.

An x-ray reveals that this kitty needs a hip replacement to survive. No vets in this area can do it. It has to wait until I can be got to NYC.

Full story here.

86-year-old Indian senior Congress leader resigns amid sex tape scandal

A senior Congress leader and governor of a southern Indian state resigned after an alleged sex scandal in another blow to the ruling Congress party which is facing protests over statehood demands there.

Governor N.D. Tiwari, a top representative of India's president in Andhra Pradesh state, resigned late on Saturday after a local television channel aired a video of the 86-year-old Congress leader allegedly in bed with three young women.

Tiwari said the footage was doctored, but an embarrassed Congress party asked the governor to resign.

The footage was the most watched video on YouTube on Saturday in India and newspapers splashed front page stories on the sex scandal on Sunday that has sparked online debates on the conduct of politicians in India.

'Stupid' men swim in baited crocodile trap

Two men who made funny faces from inside a baited crocodile trap while their friend stood on top of the cage were criticised for their "absolute stupidity" by authorities in the Northern Territory, Australia.

An image of the three men risking their lives and limbs surfaced yesterday after they were posted on Facebook. It is believed the picture was taken at Manton Dam, about 73 km south of Darwin.

The photo shows one man atop the floating metal cage - designed to capture 13 foot-long saltwater crocodiles - and two men inside.

Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife rangers have labelled the act as "absolute stupidity." "It won't be tolerated anymore," senior ranger Peter Phillips said.

"We will investigate this case and if we find out who they are, they will be fined. The agency has zero tolerance with people interfering with croc traps.”

Offenders could be fined up to $55,000 or jailed for five years for the reckless act, the Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act states.

Ivana Trump thrown off plane after yelling at children

An irate Ivana Trump was hauled off a commercial flight in Florida yesterday after she unleashed a tirade of expletives at children and police officers.

"From the initial contact until Ms. Trump left the property, she was saying f - - k you to all the deputies," and called the kids "little f - - kers," a police spokeswoman said.

Donald Trump's 60-year-old ex-wife was annoyed by the seat she was assigned to in first class, and was moved to another spot on the Delta-Northwest flight bound for La Guardia Airport.

Ivana donned a set of headphones to block out the noise in the cabin, but the sound of a baby crying nearby sent her over the edge.

"The reason she got so upset was the children, and she started screaming, 'I want to go back home,' " passenger Vincent Cone, 10, said. "She was swearing at the baby."

As the plane started to taxi out, Trump, who split from her 37 year-old fourth husband a week ago, became so unruly that the plane had to return to the gate, officials said.

Italy toy store opens at 4 a.m. to help frantic mother

An Italian toy store opened at 4 a.m. on Christmas morning to help a frantic mother whose gifts for her children had been stolen from a basement.

After putting her two toddlers to bed on Christmas Eve, the mother went down to the basement storage room of the apartment block in northern Italy where she had hidden them, only to find that they had been stolen.

Police found out about the theft while the mother was frantically making the rounds of all-night petrol stations looking for substitute gifts so her two daughters would have something under the tree when they woke up on Christmas morning.

The police contacted the owner of a toy store in a small town near Turin, who opened his store at 4 a.m.

New housing estate bans cats and dogs to protect birdlife

A property developer has banned homeowners from keeping cats or dogs to protect birdlife on nearby heathland. Residents on a new estate who fail to comply with the ban could ultimately face eviction.

The prohibition applies to houses with gardens as well as people living in flats on the 450-home estate on the edge of Farnborough, Hampshire.

The development lies a mile from 32 square miles of heathland that is protected under the European Union Birds Directive. Redrow, the developer, has excluded cats and dogs to pre-empt any planning veto.

The heathland is home to the endangered Dartford warbler as well as nightjars and woodlarks. The species nest on or near the ground, making them vulnerable to predators.

The Mammal Society estimates that Britain’s 8m domestic cats kill as many as 5m birds a month. Locals are bemused by the ban as most of the protected heathland is open to the public, who are free to roam across it with their pets.

Ann Widdecombe, the Tory MP and cat owner, said: “The dictatorial nature of this decree is unbelievable. The developer has exceeded its powers by telling people what pets they can and can’t own.” The RSPB said the ban was “unenforceable.”

'Britain's worst shoplifter' jailed for 321st crime

A man who has been described as Britain's most prolific shoplifter was jailed for one day yesterday after committing his 321st offence. David Archer, 54, from Rhyl, north Wales, has served the equivalent of two life sentences as a result of his addiction to petty crime. He has been unable to spend 14 out of the past 15 Christmases with his daughter because he has been behind bars.

Yesterday, Archer admitted in court to stealing two bottles of whisky from a store at Abergele. David Mainstone, prosecuting, said Archer had a "quite horrendous" list of previous offences and 155 court appearances.

Archer even went through a spell of stealing charity boxes, for which he was given an Asbo. In October, he had been jailed for 12 weeks for trying to steal a collection box, his 317th offence. Two years earlier he had been jailed only days after being released from prison after taking a Cancer Research Fund charity box from a Woolworths store in Rhyl.

In January, when Archer was jailed for 28 days for his 299th offence, David Davies, the court chairman, said: "Because of your appalling previous record, we are imposing a custodial sentence. It is a shame you are abusing the care that the agencies are trying to give you. Probation and other services are trying to do their best for you."

Archer also made the headlines in Christmas 1999: minutes after finishing a five-day sentence, he had stolen a £1.50 can of lager from a Llandudno off-licence, a court in the town heard. Then 44, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a fortnight in jail, but served just half and – unusually – was out in time for Christmas.

Yesterday, Andrew Hutchinson, who was defending Archer, said: "What can I say about David Archer that many of my colleagues haven't said previously?"n Archer was let out yesterday as he had already spent three days in jail, including Christmas Day – but he must pay £85 in costs.

Bingo caller told to cut 'fat ladies' patter by council

They are saucy phrases which have brought a smile to generations of bingo players. When a bingo caller shouts out “two fat ladies'', then all the players know that the number 88 has been pulled out. Just the same, when they hear “legs 11'' then they know they can mark off number 11 on their card.

It's been part of the harmless fun of the game for decades. But now, at one Suffolk bingo hall, those phrases have been banned - because council officials fear they might offend some people.

Bingo caller John Sayers, who is also a councillor, has been advised by officers at Sudbury Town Council that continuing to use the humorous lingo could land them in deep trouble. But it's had the opposite effect, with some players voting with their feet and joining a less politically correct game in nearby Great Cornard.

Mr Sayers, a town, district and county councillor for Sudbury, who calls the numbers at the Town Hall every Monday, said: “I was disappointed but I took good advice. I did not want to bring the Town Hall and myself into disrepute.

“There is a chance if you said 'two fat ladies' and there was a bingo call and you look across the hall and saw two fat ladies they could take it personally. Then we do not know how we stand insurance-wise. In my personal opinion it seems a bit of nonsense and it takes, to a certain extent, a lot of fun out of it.

“It is quite extraordinary the number of things you have to think twice about now. You have to think before you breathe nowadays.”