Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby dictators

Danish-Norwegian artist Nina Maria Kleivan is behind a series of photos entitled Potency featuring her newborn daughter.

As Kleivan says: "We are all born as a blank slate. Who knows who we will become?"

There are more dictators here.


arbroath said...

It's just a new slant on the nature/nurture debate.  She's off to a disturbing start if you're a believer of the nurture side of the argument!

arbroath said...

<span>As soon as my time machine was finished, I traveled back to 1890, so I could kill Hitler before he was old enough to commit any of his horrible crimes. It wasn't as gratifying as I thought it would be.</span> <span>
-Oh my God. You killed a baby.</span> <span>
-Yes, but the baby was Hitler.</span> <span>
-Who?</span> <span>
-</span>Hitler<span>. It's...complicated.</span>
<span>-Officer? This man just killed a baby.</span>

-"Time Machine" from <span>Free-Range Chickens by Simon Rich

arbroath said...

Yes, because I'm sure a baby that age understands who Hitler is.  :-P

If babies can get screwed up by being dressed in goofy costumes, then most of us are in trouble...