Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boy, 3, left unclaimed for two days after own birthday party

The parents of a 3-year-old Michigan boy may be faced with child abandonment and child abuse charges after leaving their son alone after his own birthday party.

Warren Police are questioning the parents as to why the boy was left alone at Little Caesars Caesarland. The manager of the store called police at around 9 p.m. on Saturday night when he noticed the boy was still there with no adults.

Officers were unable to find the boy's parents so he was taken into protective custody and placed in foster care.

Corporate security from Caesarland contacted Warren Police at around 1 p.m. Monday, saying a male had been by the store asking about his missing 3-year-old son.

"This is a disturbing and outrageous situation that the person responsible for the care of this 3-year-old child would take over 36 hours before inquiring as to the whereabouts of their child," said Warren Police Chief William Dwyer. "Our detectives will conduct a thorough investigation and then report their findings to the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office for criminal prosecution if deemed necessary."

The boy's parents both live in Warren but are not married.


arbroath said...

- Hubby you notice...? Somethings changed in da house...
> Yeah eery now will you finally let me read my newspaper in peace, woman...
- Must be the neighbors or something they're like... quiet it seems...
> Yeah well finally we got a good night's rest so fine with me.

- Now that is strange I seem to have made to much food for dinner this time
> Ah Woman you wrong- you just made enough for my belly!

> Say- Junior's late up this morning- that stupid kid doesn't want to go to school today hah??? Perhaps he needs some fatherly persuasion this here mornin' --- JUNIOR!!!!!! Come out yer bed RIGHT NOW!
- Oh hubby don''t you yell so hard at Junior he's our sensitive little man...! C'me on now let me wake him up he'll be fine...!
- Junior are y'in there ? Wake up darling- school time!Junior...? JUNIOR!!!!

> Oh will -sigh--- It's yo fault woman well I come by there on the way to work, so I'll go pick him up. He be hungry by now but that aughtta learn him  to forget us.....!   


arbroath said...

Foreigner, that was an ugly bit of racist writing you did there.  No excuses for terrible parenting of course but I imagine the truth was more likely that each parent thought the other one had brought the child home with them. 

arbroath said...

Elagie and others that I seem to have offended, my sincere apologies.
That was not at all my intention at all. I hadn't thought of that- I just imagined how this could have gone in any situation.

But you are right- Most likely the parents do not live together and each thought the other picked the poor kid up.

Again- My apologies if I offended someone with my scenerio, because that was absolutely not what I had in mind when I wrote it. 

arbroath said...

Foreigner - NP, so glad it was just humor -- just that "Liberal Elite" in me got its dander up!  : )