Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rubbernecker crashes into not insignificant rock fall

Driver Andy Edmonds says he was watching law enforcement and a news crew on the side of Highway 129 in Blount County, Tennessee, when “the dragon” took a bite out of his car.

He said: “I’m okay. Man, I didn’t even see it! I came around that curve, right there, and noticed you all. And, I didn’t even notice that rock fall right there. I’m lucky to have hit it in a way to not get too hurt. My dog here, she probably took a pretty good hit, but she’s all right.“


arbroath said...

I nearly smashed into some containers in the road because I was watching the workers on the side in case one of them stepped out into the street.

arbroath said...

:-D :-D :-D

arbroath said...

I guess you always need to look AHEAD when you drive..