The 42-year-old from New Jersey, US, is set on reaching the 1,000lb mark (71st) in just two years. Remarkably she insists she is healthy, despite now needing a mobility scooter when she goes shopping.
Donna, who wears XXXXXXXL dresses, eats mounds of junk food and tries to move as little as possible.

Ms Simpson already holds the Guinness World Record as the world's fattest mother, when she gave birth in 2007 weighing 38stone.
She needed a team of 30 medics to deliver her daughter Jacqueline during a high-risk Caesarean birth.
Yet although she can only move 20ft before needing to sit down, she wants to be even bigger. 'I'd love to be 1,000lb,' she said.
With more photos.
I saw this the other day. It's sick... and sad for the little girl. She's learning that being famous is more important than being healthy (or alive). And she'll lose her mother before long, too.
This child needs to be removed from the home ASAP (before her mind gets too warped by her mother's subconscious death wish). The father doesn't sound much better. Honestly... how is morbid obesity in any way attractive?!
This is sick to the extreme. She makes money by allowing people to watch her stuff her craw on a darn web cam. EEEEW! Who would pay money to watch obesity? Notice the poor daughters skin is not the same color as the mum? Maybe she get's out to play in the sunshine while her mum eats twinkies.
Ewww I feel sorry for the doctors performing her surgery, having to cut through layers and layers of fat blaarg! D:
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