The elderly people are parents of children suspected of flouting strict family planning rules in the southern Chinese city of Puning. The local government has drawn up a list of nearly 10,000 people who are suspected of planning to have a second or third child. Around half that group has agreed to comply with sterilisation.
The 1,377 detained people include some of those who have so far refused, but mostly consist of their parents. Witnesses said that they were being held in cramped, damp conditions, including one group of 200 which had been herded into a hundred-square-metre room. "The room was too small for all the people to lie down and sleep." "The young ones had to stand or squat." The detainees are being lectured on family planning rules.

Huang Rufeng, a father of three, said that he and his wife had refused to be sterilised. "Several days ago, a village official called me and asked me or my wife to return for the surgery," he said. "Otherwise they would take away my father." He says that his 64-year-old father has since been removed.
The 20-day campaign in Puning was triggered by criticism over poor population control, exacerbated by the fact that many couples registered in the area left to find factory jobs elsewhere and found it easier to evade the regulations.
"It's not uncommon for family planning authorities to adopt tough tactics," an employee at the Puning Population and Family Bureau said. Further "extraordinary measures" to be taken against families with more than one child – or two if the first is a girl – include subsequent children's exclusion from school and health insurance.
I don't see the point of removing elderly parents. Doesn't that just take away an extra burden and free up some space for another kid?
It's not like they take the elderly parents to a nice home, they sort of hold them hostage in horrible conditions so you would have to go get them. I'm actually not very surprised the gov would use this kind of tactic.
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