The controversial crucifix has caused a deep divide among members of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, where it hangs above the main altar.
"There are a couple people who have left the parish,” said the Rev. Philip Seeton, the church’s pastor. "There are people in the parish who don’t like it and have stayed.”

Critics of the crucifix take issue with what appears to be a large penis covering Jesus’ abdominal area. Seeton said the portion of the crucifix in question is meant to be Jesus’ abdomen "showing distension” — not a penis.
Seeton said, "I’ve had people who have vocally said that that’s what they see there. I’ve had people who have been just as vocal who said that’s not what they’re seeing there.”
Janet Jaime, a local iconography artist who designed the crucifix, had no comment.
With news video.
<span>In my country we say that the dirty thougths are in the mind of the looker.</span>
I've seen a few VERY old illuminations in books that show Jesus' abdomen looking just like this.
Like Budda's belly can you rub it for good luck?... um, better not. O:-)
I see huge "male genitalia" walking around in some places. Perhaps I should be outraged by those people too....
=-O ! :-D
That just goes to show people have had dirty minds as long as there have been minds.
Hahaha. No, better not.
Big J is seriously well hung.
I find most crucifixes nasty, but this one is especially repulsive with all the blood and the skull at the bottom.
As for the supposed penis, so what? Did Jesus not have a penis?
I must admit that I largely forgot about all the things I read in the Bible.
But even that said- I can't recall that there were any stories about Jesus shagging around, having lots of dates and sex. I gather I would have remembered that...
Don't you think someone might've mentioned it if their messiah didn't have a penis?
He was cicumcised, and that requires a penis. So according to the Bible, he did have one, at least when he was born.
dont want to know wat kind of 'places' u go to :P
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