Athanasios Varzanakos said his friend "was annoyed and asked how it was possible" when informed. The dairy said it bought the photograph in good faith from an image library.

Chief executive Anders Lindahl said it had come as a shock when the Greek man lodged a 40-page legal complaint saying that the company had used a misleading image because he had no links with Turkey.
"We bought it from a photo agency so we assumed that everything was in order," Mr Lindahl said. The image remains on the Lindahls website despite the legal action. Relations between Greece and Turkey have long been strained and at times have turned into outright hostility.
"Relations between Greece and Turkey have long been strained and at times have turned into outright hostility." is putting things mildly and very euphemistic if you ask lots of Greeks.
According to the Greeks, the Turks in their guyse as the old Ottoman Empire have oppressed the Greeks for several hundres of years and have committed severe attrocities. The slaughtering of complete villages by the Turks is still remembered by some like it has happened only yesterday. And the whole Cyprus-affair hasn't done any good in mellowing things.
To ask a Greek if he or she perhaps is a Turk still can be experienced as the most severe insult possible.
"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts"....
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