Associate Judge Helen Rozenburg charged LaPenta with contempt of court for wearing the garment in her courtroom Monday. LaPenta was sitting in the gallery waiting for a friend's case to be called when the judge called her forward. Rozenburg asked LaPenta if she thought her shirt was appropriate.

LaPenta said she told the judge that it would have been inaprorpriate had she been the defendant. Rozenburg immediately sentenced her to 48 hours in jail and had her cuffed, LaPenta said. aPenta contends that she never went to bond court or got to call her mother.
"They just threw me in jail. They never told me what I was going to jail for," LaPenta said. LaPenta said that she had been at a gym Monday when her friend asked her for a ride to the courthouse. She was wearing sweat pants and that T-shirt when she was cuffed and jailed. "All the officers thought it was hilarious - it was humiliating," LaPenta said.
As much as i love funny T-shirts, i think hers is a step so far :S
What the t-shirt forgets to mention is:
And my man decides which ones we'll follow...
Sorry i have been sick. Are you making fun of me?
Aren't there real criminals to catch?
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