Monday, June 28, 2010

American police accused of using a Taser on an 86-year-old, bed-ridden grandmother

American police have been accused of tasering an 86-year-old bed-ridden grandmother. Lonnie Tinsley called the emergency services to his home in El Reno, Oklahoma, when he became concerned that his grandma Lona Vernon had failed to take her medication. But instead of a medical technician, he claims at least a dozen armed police officers answered his call.

When Mrs Vernon ordered the police from her house, officer Thomas Duran allegedly decided she was being 'aggressive' and gave the order: 'Taser her.' Her alarmed grandson, is then said to have replied: 'Don't taze my granny!' According to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court, Tinsley’s 'obstructive' behaviour prompted the police to threaten him with their tasers.

He was then was assaulted, removed from the room, thrown to the floor, handcuffed, and detained in a police car. At this point, the heroes in blue turned their attention to Lona. According to officer Duran’s official report, Mrs Vernon had taken an 'aggressive posture' in her hospital bed. In order to ensure 'officer safety', one of his men 'stepped on her oxygen hose until she began to suffer oxygen deprivation'.

Another of the officers then shot her with a taser, but the connection wasn’t solid.
A second fired his taser, 'striking her to the left of the midline of her upper chest, and applied high voltage, causing burns to her chest, extreme pain', and unconsciousness. Lona was then handcuffed with sufficient ruthlessness to tear the soft flesh of her forearms, causing her to bleed. After her wounds were treated at a local hospital, Lona was confined for six days in the psychiatric ward at the insistence of the El Reno Police Department.

More here.


Insolitus said...

This sounds like a script for a dark comedy sketch about police brutality. How on Earth could this have actually happened? Standing on her oxygen line until she turned blue and then tasering her? The officers are the ones who should spend some time in a psychiatric ward.

monkey_town said...

Officially ashamed of my country right now.

2ldmoe said...

don't be.
happens everywhere, stupidness
(yes, even in belgium, where i'm from....)

L said...

Crazy.  I think police just like to taser people, though.  Just look at the Robert Dziekanski incident.

They think they can get away with it because it's not a real gun with real bullets, I guess.