Monday, June 07, 2010

Arrests and injury after mass London water fight

A mass water fight in one of London’s biggest parks led to three people being arrested and another ending up injured in hospital, police said. More than 1500 people were said to have taken part in the event in Hyde Park on Friday afternoon.

Such was the size of the fight, believed to have been organised on social networking sites, that it saw the temporary closure of London's main shopping district and the usually busy Oxford Street. High temperatures throughout on Friday afternoon swelled numbers and what began as good-natured fun soon descended into a police incident.

There's no overreaction from the police here, obviously.

Police only managed to control the crowd after about eight hours when participents were finally dispersed. Scotland Yard said that two male participants were arrested for public order offences, while a third detained on suspicion of causing grevious bodily harm.

Another revellers was taken to hospital with non-life threatening facial injuries. The water fight appears to have been orgainsed through social networking websites.


Mark said...

Bah, it's things like this that give the police a bad name :(   Admittedly the topless guy in white trousers should not have been throwing punches, but other than that, I see no need for the police to be there.  Fair enough if they want to stand at the wayside just in case, but there was no need for them to wade in and break everything up.

Anonymous said...

"London"...?   Looked more like Africa...!