Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Confused boxer puppy


cath said...

Our dog was terrified of the voices in the telephone. If someone spoke to her through the receiver, she'd run out of the room.

Jack said...

That's mean to the dog.

Arbroath said...

To be fair I think docking his tail would've been worse.

AJ said...

when i used to travel all the time I would call in a do this to my pug.  He would cock his head to the side and then immediately roll over on his back for a tummy rub.  I never figured out how to do that over the phone.

Nan said...

My little newphew is facinated by the telephone. He carries it around with him, kisses it and brings it to bed. Whenever anyone has one he wants to hold and talk to it.

Someone he recognizes and loves is usually attached to the other end which is most likely the reason for his bond with the gadget.

It will be interesting to watch his facination with telephones develop as the imprint he has recieving is as much to the parent on the line as it is to the physical mobile.