Monday, June 07, 2010

Meet India's Sexpert, 85-year-old Dr Mahinder Watsa

Can oral sex lead to pregnancy? Will daily masturbation make me go bald? If my elbow brushes against a woman's breasts on a bus, will I be at risk from HIV?

These are not questions being asked by innocent pre-teens in a middle-school playground. Rather, they are being posed – and answered – in India's most widely circulated English-language newspapers. The "Ask the Sexpert" column runs in many major Indian periodicals.

It essentially features sex-related questions from across India, followed by small nuggets of advice. The queries range from the serious to the clueless, from the sympathy-evoking to the unintentionally entertaining.

To a first-time reader, particularly one with a functional understanding of the birds and the bees, many questions will seem unbelievably basic. How can a society, especially one with a strong cultural emphasis on education, be so ignorant of elementary biology? To put it bluntly, why are so many Indian adults confused about where babies come from?

First-time readers will be further surprised to learn that author, Dr Mahinder C. Watsa, is an 85-year-old gynaecologist and sex counsellor. Unlike many Indian octogenarians, however, Watsa does not spend his time decrying the decline of family values. Rather, he appears to have largely accepted – and arguably immersed himself in – the concerns and realities of today's youth.

Ask the Sexpert is far from prudish. Though occasionally antiquated, Watsa's advice is – for the most part – factual, terse, and at times even sardonic. He regularly calls men "old-fashioned" for seeking brides with intact hymens, and often tells size-obsessed men to simply "learn the art of love-making". Homosexuality seems to be Watsa's only taboo topic; all else is fair game.

There are 34 weeks worth of Dr Watsa's expert daily advice here.

1 comment:

Mieke said...

:-D He's certainly got a way with words! I liked this one:

<span>My 86-year-old financially sound and healthy neighbour advertised for a 30-plus lady companion. He has shortlisted a 27-year-old applicant. How do you think he should spend his time with her?  

This is none of your business. I suspect you are keen to do the same and are jealous of him.