"To contribute towards creating a sustainable future we request a little more of our guests than most other restaurants," she says in a list of her restaurant's policies that is pinned on the door to the eatery. This list includes finishing all dishes ordered which are organic and free of gluten, dairy, sugar and eggs and the chef and her staff tell people who don't clear their plates to choose another restaurant next time.

Photo from here.
"Finishing your meal requires that everything is eaten except lemon slices, gari (sushi ginger) and wasabi," says the menu. "Please also note that vegetables and salad on the side are NOT decorations; they are part of the meal too." Wafu's strict policy has been welcomed by some but criticised as overbearing by some reviewers.
Ichikawa is undeterred. "Wafu is not just a restaurant; it is an extension of Yukako's personal ethos towards nourishment and sustenance," says a statement on the restaurant's website. "We are not only committed to serving meals that nurture and respect the body but are actively dedicated to the notion of waste prevention, and take seriously our responsibility towards the environment and sustainability for the future."
Yeah...I wonder how long that restaurant will last? Maybe they should just require people to bring in their own tupperware so if they do have any leftovers then they can bring them home.
I live in Montreal, Canada, and it is common for sushi restaurants to charge $1.00 for each piece not eaten. I think its a great way to avoid wasting food.
@Stef; I'm from Vancouver, Can.
We have that policy here too in Sushi restaurants but only for All You Can eat...
It's her restaurant, her rules. But being fined for what I don't eat? I paid for the meal!
No kidding.
What if you simply can't eat everything (and if you tried, you threw up)? What happens if you find out after you order something that it has an ingredient that you're allergic to? Pay the fine or go to the hospital?
I wouldn't eat at such an establishment in the first place. If I'm paying for the food, I should be able to do whatever I want with it (including throw it in the trash).
Actually reading this article again, I think the title is very misleading. The people who finish their meal get a discount...
Technically it's the same thing, but it's worded in the title as a punishment rather than encouragement for not wasting food.
Actually, they do. According to the website, customers who bring in reusable containers to take home their extra food are given the same discount as they would get if they ate it all there.
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