Without enough money to build a proper shelter for 1,600 abandoned pooches, the humane organization So Ama, or "Just Love," keeps the animals chained to an array of about 1,000 small dog houses that look like the Brazilian slums.

"We started out with the naivete of wanting to change the world, and the project just kept getting bigger, so unfortunately this is all we have to offer them," said Natasha Oselame, head of marketing for the organization. She laments that the dogs - along with some 200 cats - have to live in such conditions.

Favelas, which are a common sight throughout Brazil's major cities, are home to millions of urban poor and rural migrants who leave the countryside seeking jobs. Many of the slums are plagued by violence linked to drug trafficking.
Like in human shantytowns, the main challenge facing the dog favela is making ends meet. Oselame says costs, including veterinarian's fees and 13 tonnes of pet food a month, are far greater than the donations and the roughly $14,000 she receives monthly from the municipal government.
There are more photos here.
1 comment:
If homes can't be found for these dogs, it seems to me that it would be best to put them down. Stuck on a short length of chain for a great length of time is a very existence for a dog.
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