It was the wedding day for Ratnesh Karan's niece. The large, elaborate ceremony was being held at the Moose Lodge in Stockton on Sunday night. The manager found several guests with a bottle of whisky in the parking lot. According to the contract between the party and the lodge, no alcohol was allowed anywhere on the premises. There were even signs on the doors telling guests the event would be cancelled if alcohol was found. So, the manager got on the loudspeaker. "I made an announcement on the P.A. system, the party would end and everyone would have to leave," said Robert Mapp, Moose Lodge Administrator.

"They gave us only 15-30 minutes to get out. It was like a bomb threat and we had to vacate," said Shobina Karan, the bride's aunt. The bride was devastated. "My niece was crying because she didn't know what to do. It was shocking news to her. Her wedding wasn't completely done," said Shobina. The family also says they were called racial slurs by management.
"He called us names. His wife and everybody, they called us names. He called us Indians," said Ratnesh. "No racial slurs; I'm black myself. Why would I slur another minority?" said Mapp. The family says the bride and groom were rushed out so quickly, they didn't even get to toast at their own wedding. In the end, more than 200 guests crammed into the family's garage to finish the second half of the ceremony.
With news video.
What's the lesson here? Choose your guests more carefully? Or don't give the Moose Lodge any more business? Hmmm...
It's such an odd concept--break the rules, and the pre-advertised consequences actually happen. I wonder what would happen if more parents did this with their kids?
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