Sunday, July 04, 2010

Teacher in harassment case claims hypnosis

Miami Trace administrators have begun the process of terminating an elementary school art teacher who is accused of sexually harassing another district employee. On Tuesday, the school board voted in favour of a resolution that initiates the termination of Cindy Hart's employment contract and suspends her "without pay and benefits, pending the termination process."

According to the resolution, Hart subjected a male classified employee "to unwanted advances of a romantic and/or inappropriate nature, both verbally and in writing, even after being repeatedly asked to stop such actions." This harassment reportedly began in November 2009 and continued through spring of this year.

When Hart was confronted about the allegations made by the male employee, Hart made accusations that the man was actually stalking and/or harassing her, according to district officials. Hart also claimed that the alleged victim had "covertly hypnotized" her, which made her write the "romantic, harassing" letters to the male employee, according to public record documents. "An investigation of those allegations made by Hart indicated" that her allegations were untrue, the resolution says.

Miami Trace Superintendent Dan Roberts directed Hart to undergo a "fitness for duty exam," based on comments made and actions taken by Hart during the course of the sexual harassment investigation. Documents say that Hart "refused to comply with this directive, even after being given numerous opportunities to comply with the directive." Hart has been an employee with Miami Trace Local Schools for approximately 10 years, district officials said.

1 comment:

L said...

Interesting excuse...