The 51-year-old jumped in the car's passenger seat and said: "All right, mate? Where are we going, then?" It was only when the would-be thief ran away that Mr Stuart realised he was completely naked. Mr Stuart, an operations technician at Dungeness B, said: "I don't know what the guy must have thought when a large naked bloke got in the car next to him.

"When your car is being stolen you don't think about it, you just react. Luckily our driveway is quite hard to manoeuvre in, otherwise the little wotsit would have got away. Our home is off the main road and can be hard to find. I'll never forget the look on his face, though. It was a peach."
The attempted theft happened on Friday at 3.45am. When the hooded teenager fled, Mr Stuart got in the driver's seat and drove after him. The father-of-two said: "I started driving through Dymchurch when I thought I should probably turn round. I didn't want to have my own collar felt because, at the end of the day, I was naked and it would have been hard to explain to police."
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