Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Elderly driver transports roll of carpet on mobility scooter

This video shows a pensioner taking home a large roll of carpet – on his mobility scooter. The daredevil driver – wearing a fluorescent jacket for safety – is seen wobbling along a road in Wincanton, Somerset, at speeds of up to 8mph.

His cargo – which is hanging across the blue vehicle – completely blocks the road and the elderly driver even pulls over at one stage to allow traffic to pass. The clip was filmed on a mobile phone by Gary McKenna, 20, who was a passenger in a car behind the pensioner.

He said: ”I was in a car with a mate when we saw him and thought it was rather out of the ordinary. We drove past and parked up and waited for him to come past and followed him.

”I think at times traffic coming the other way could have hit him. I don’t know how old the man was, I didn’t see his face, but I’d have thought he was in his 70s. I thought it was unusual.”

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