Thursday, November 04, 2010

Dying bear forced to drink cola for public's amusement

A dying mountain bear held captive in a cage in northern Azerbaijan has been caught on film being forced to drink cola for the amusement of cafe patrons. It died shortly after the incident only to be replaced by another bear.

The incident has come to light after a British sports coach released the video to highlight animal cruelty. Mr Williard was working in the former Soviet republic when he captured the footage last month in the city of Gabala.

"People cheered and shouted as they watched the starving bear drink from the cola bottle and eat sandwich leftovers they threw," Mr Williard said. "A few days after it died, there was a new one."

The owner of the cafe told Mr Williard they catch the bears from nearby mountains. Azerbaijan's embassy in Britain has dismissed the incident as an "isolated case."

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