Friday, December 24, 2010

Virgin Mary appears in candle wax

A woman in Alhambra says she made an astonishing discovery when she finished praying the rosary earlier this month. She noticed an image of the Virgin Mary formed in candle wax. Mari Valenzuela says she has been saying the rosary every night for the past several months, but nothing unusual ever happened until the night of December 4th.

That's when she pulled out her rosary, lit a candle and began praying. When she finished, she noticed that the candle had melted and formed an image that looks amazingly like the Virgin Mary. The wax figure is about six inches tall and appears to show a woman kneeling and praying.

Valenzuela showed the figure to her friends and family who say they've never seen anything quite like it form from wax. Valenzuela says she's not a particularly religious person, although she was raised Catholic.

She says her priest says the image proves that all that praying is a message of faith and that "she's on the right track" in her life. Valenzuela says she doesn't know what to do with the figure but wants to share it with as many people as she can. In the meantime, she's storing it in her refrigerator so it doesn't melt.

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