The tragic event was one the rapper's brother saw fit to capture in a photo which he sent to a local radio station.

The intruding animal set off the alarm system at the entertainer's home Wednesday night but when no one was found trying to enter the house, security thought it was just a false alarm.
But in the light of day on Thursday, the dead deer was discovered and Eminem's brother Nate sent a photo of the carcass to local radio station WKQI - 95.5 FM. The sad event took a positive turn though, as the Michigan Department of Natural Resources removed the slain animal to process the meat and give it to a family in need.
You can see the somewhat graphic photo here.
When a pregnant deer fails to clear the fence, it's not a quick, painless death.
This sort of thing was a huge issue in my town (which is very pro-hunting, btw), and led to a city requirement that all fences have a flat metal bar permanently affixed to cover any decorative spikes.
My mother says that when she was in high school, a pregnant deer got caught on the school fence. What did the school do? Bring all of the students outside to watch the fawn drop out of the poor, dying mother.
In Lloyd Harbor, New York, pregnant wild deer are not so much vulnerable to danger from sharp-pointed fences as from local politicians, who have them shot. See
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