Thursday, January 06, 2011

Officer escorts expectant mother to the hospital then slaps her husband with a speeding ticket

A police officer escorted an expectant mother to hospital just minutes before she gave birth - then slapped her husband with a ticket for speeding. John Coughlin was handed the penalty for driving 102mph in a 55mph zone as he rushed wife Angela to the delivery room of the Catholic Medical Centre in Manchester, New Hampshire. The trooper waited outside as the couple’s baby boy Kyle was born, six minutes after their arrival at the hospital, then pounced on the excited new father as he emerged to call relatives. 'He said two things, "Good news, congratulations on your son, and bad news, I’ ll see you in court",' said Mr Coughlin, who faces a fine of up to $1,000 at a hearing in Manchester District Court next week.

The high-speed dash took place in the early hours of September 18 last year, when Mrs Coughlin’s waters broke and her husband decided to save time by taking her to hospital himself instead of waiting for an ambulance. The trooper spotted him driving at speeds in excess of 100mph and tried to pull him over, at which point Mr Coughlin called 911 to explain why he was rushing. 'I’m being pulled over by a cop but my wife’s in labour,' he told dispatchers, with his wife's screams audible in the background. 'Her water just broke, I’m just on my way to the hospital,' he said.

The trooper then escorted the Coughlins’ car the rest of the way, with lights flashing, after learning the nature of the emergency on his radio. But he still decided to write the ticket once they reached the hospital. Senior officers on Tuesday confirmed that the unnamed trooper was not required to issue a court summons but said that he correctly used his discretion to do so because Mr Coughlin was driving dangerously. 'By his own actions, he put himself, his wife, his unborn child and the motoring public in a very dangerous situation,' said Major Russell Conte of New Hampshire State Police.

YouTube link.

He said that officers were sympathetic to people involved in medical emergencies but that 911 dispatchers were best placed to assist them quickly. Legal experts believe that Mr Coughlin, who plans to plead not guilty, is likely to win. 'This case shouldn’t go too far too fast,' defence lawyer Mark Stevens said. 'If the driver reasonably believes that he’s avoiding harm that’s greater than the one he creates, in other words if the birth of his baby is more important than a speeding ticket, then he has a justification to do that.'


WordyGrrl said...

He was doing 100 mph in a 55? As in, not on some lonely highway but in a residential/business area with lots of traffic?

Oh yeah, ticket his ass. He could have caused several accidents, very possibly fatal, along the way with behavior like that.

Steve C said...

Few people are proficient enough to drive at the speed. He could have killed himself, his wife and any number of people...

Unknown said...

Adding that driving instead of taking an ambulence is always a mistake. People seem to completely disregard that the ambulence isn't just a ride to the hospital. The medical attention starts the second they arrive.

Terri said...

New dads have been known to panic.

Anonymous said...

Medical attention only arrives if that ambulance comes with a paramedic onboard. Many of the St John's ambulance for example are just well qualified drivers with a first aid certificate.

Unknown said...

They're still first responders. It's still better to have an EMT with the person having the emergency than to take them in your own car while you drive, concerned about them or even panicking. This guy sorta does deserve the ticket.

cath said...

I actually think it would be better, once her water had broken, to pull over and call 911 for instructions on delivering the baby oneself. Probably a lot lest risky.

L said...

What a great father. He's already endangered his wife, his son, and countless members of the public. The ticket should stand.
