Friday, March 11, 2011

Bank robber caught after leaving urine samples

A Swedish robber who hid in a bank vault for three days was caught - after he left bottles of his urine behind.

The 27-year-old man used the bottles to relieve himself after sneaking into the vault one Friday and remaining there until the bank reopened on the Monday. While inside the vault, in Copenghagen, the man and his accomplice emptied 140 safety deposit boxes of about £300,000 in cash and jewellery.

They managed to surprise bank staff and escape when the vault was reopened. But prosecutor Frederik Larsen said they forgot to take the urine with them "so we were able to get their DNA samples from the bottles".

The evidence helped prosecutors win a 21-month prison sentence for the Swede. His accomplice is still at large and the loot hasn't been recovered.

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