Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blundering surgeons cut off man's testicles

Andreas Hoffman only went into hospital to have gall stones removed. Instead surgeons castrated him. He is now suing medics, who cut off both his testicles, for £100,000.

The 68-year-old said: "The doctors got rid of some lumps. Only they were two that I had grown rather fond of and wanted to retain." The case has just reached the Higher State Court in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

Andreas was still going to the gym three times a week before the surgery five years ago in Halle, east Germany. He said: "I was very sexually active and extremely fit." There were complications during his surgery and he was put in a coma for two months. He discovered his right testicle was gone when he awoke.

His left testicle was removed during an "examination" under general anaesthetic. The hospital admitted that the right testicle was taken off because the first incision on the gallstone operation had cut through vital tissue. They have not said why the second one was removed.


  1. the hospital should consider it lucky with them being sued for £100k

  2. A sadistic surgeon fulfilling kinky fantasies, perhaps?

  3. The headline makes it sound like the surgeons just decided to do it for kicks. But it appears that the right testicle, at least, was lost due to a medical error. As for the left... who knows? Maybe they thought he'd have balance problems with one testicle or something...
