Friday, March 25, 2011

Boy, 12, arrested for school pencil prank

An Ohio middle school student has been charged with assault for a classroom prank that left a fellow student with a sharpened pencil impaled in his buttocks, police say. The incident on Friday morning at the Sailorway Middle School involved two 12-year-old boys attending a choir class, according to a Vermilion Police report.

Police reported that the victim recalled that “someone put a pencil on his chair before he sat down,” adding that “the pencil impaled into his left buttocks.” The pencil, which pierced the boy’s jeans, went about two inches into his body.

The officer who first responded to the school noted that he saw the victim “laying in a bed in the nurses office. There I observed that there was a pencil sticking out of his left buttocks.” The child’s father later told investigators that his son underwent a surgical procedure to have the pencil removed.

The boy who brandished the pencil admitted to cops that he pulled the prank, though “he stated that he didn’t mean to hurt anyone. He stated that he didn’t think that the pencil would go through the clothing.” The child, who has been suspended from school for five days, has been charged with misdemeanor assault. Vermilion Police Chief Chris Hartung said that the young suspect was arrested on Friday and subsequently released into his parents’s custody.


  1. Flora5:59 pm

    Which was it, 6mm or 2 inches? They are hardly the same thing.

  2. Ouch.

    (And that's probably supposed to read 6cm. I have no idea why someone in Ohio would be using the metric system anyway... but they obviously have no idea what they're doing.)

  3. When my father was teaching he broke up a fight that had resulted in something similar, but worse. One boy had lodged the tip of a pencil in another's...eyelid. He managed to calm the boy down and keep him from removing the pencil and the eye was undamaged.

  4. Anonymous7:52 pm

    Back in my day (1970s) it was thumbtacks and mesquite tree thorns...
