Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bungling police raid wrong home ... for 41st time - Update

An innocent couple’s home has been wrongly raided for the 41st time – just days after police pledged it would never happen again. Matthew Jillard and Claire Hayes told last week how they have suffered 18 months of their home being mixed up with another 100 yards away. Police promised them they had fixed the problem – but blundering officers made the same error at the weekend.

Now the couple, who have never been in trouble with the law, have vowed to move. Office worker Claire, 42, said: “This was the final straw. They apologised but I feel the only thing we can do is move house. I spent an entire day talking to the Independent Police Complaints Commission and they promised me it wouldn’t happen again because a computer marker had been put on our house to stop a future mix-up.

“They seem incapable of solving this problem.” Police keep confusing the couple’s home in Repton Road, Birmingham, with one round the corner in Repton Grove. Matthew, 38, was once confronted by 10 officers in bullet-proof vests. Officers also banged on the door twice on Christmas Day.

They later apologised with flowers. But handyman Matthew, who took photos of the police after the latest raid on Saturday morning, said: “We’ve been renting this house for 10 years but we’re definitely moving. I fear one day armed police are going to come flying through.” Last night West Midlands police said: “Despite measures put in place to prevent such an occurrence, it appears human error has led to officers attending the incorrect address. We will be contacting them to apologise and discuss the matter further.”



  1. Seriously. Most incompetent police force EVER. I feel so sorry for these folks.

  2. Even if it were the right home why would they need to raid it 40 - odd times? Perhaps they never did get to the correct house next door.

  3. Yeah, that's my assumption at this point. They've never made it to the house they're actually after. And whoever's (allegedly) been up to something nefarious there is now fully tipped-off to the fact that the police are onto them.

    You almost gotta wonder if someone is sabotaging the operation from the inside.

  4. Are the Birmingham police related to the cops in Brooklyn NY? And I quote: "A computer database glitch has sent police to the home of an elderly Brooklyn couple more than 50 times since 2002..." And apparently the cops were doing the same to the previous owner.

  5. poor guy! you'd think within a single department that 1 or 2 people would remind their retarded police brethren that it's the "other" house down the street...maybe not.

  6. The police are human, that's why there's "human error". But because they are human, they also have their own judgement and memory. Many of the officers must have been at the wrong house multiple times, you'd think at least someone would come to remember the place after a couple of embarrassing wrong calls.

  7. Oh, that's what Aaron pretty much already said, just with less words.

  8. You know...after the 20th time, I may have just moved.
    I shouldn't have had to, but I probably would have. Obviously the local police aren't the sharpest spoons in the drawer.
