Friday, March 25, 2011

Cow manure fetish man is jailed

A serial pervert from Cornwall with a fetish for cow manure who terrorised a farmer and his family for six years has been jailed for two years. David Truscott, 41, was discovered in a field, covered in manure and mud and naked apart from a single sock, by the farmer's 16-year-old son on February 26 this year. Truro Crown Court heard that Truscott, of Camborne, Cornwall, has already been jailed for an arson attack which killed a cow at the farm belonging to Clive Roth, and a string of other offences linked to his sexual thrill at rolling in slurry.

Sentencing Truscott for breaching a restraining order and harassment, Judge Christopher Elwen told him: "For a period of at least six years, if not longer, you have made the home life of the Roth family absolute hell through your bizarre fetish and disgusting behaviour." Chubby, moustachioed Truscott was first caught at the Roth family farm near Redruth, Cornwall, in 2004, when he was discovered masturbating in a muck spreader. Because of his actions, the family cleaned the muck spreader to deter him.

The court has heard that this had made him so angry that he set fire to a cattle pen containing a cow and her twin newborn calves. The cow was killed in the ensuing blaze and Truscott was later jailed for three years for arson and burglary. In 2009 he was again discovered at the farm after breaking into the farm under the cover of darkness, undressing and getting into a muck spreader before again masturbating. He was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison and made the subject of a restraining order, which he breached for the second time in February. Prosecuting, Gareth Evans said that Mr Roth's eldest son Brandon, now 16, had discovered Truscott cowering by a hedge in a field in February. "He was naked apart from one sock and was covered in cow excrement and mud. There were tissues littered around him."

Mark Charnley, defending Truscott, said his client was a "sad, vulnerable, socially inadequate man" with no close family, a history of depression and learning disabilities. He suggested Truscott was suffering from a form of autism which led him to commit his crimes while under stress. He said Truscott feared custody and asked that he receive a suspended sentence. But Judge Elwen rejected his plea, saying he had to be jailed for his "bizarre and perverted activities". He sentenced Truscott to serve two years for breaching the restraining order and three months to be served concurrently for harassment.


  1. Autism: today's excuse for any sort of bad behaviour.

    Unfortunately, those kinds of claims only stigmatize those who actually have the disorder.

  2. "Serial pervert", a lovely concept.
