Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fare-dodging ferret travels from London to Edinburgh by itself

An adventurous ferret got lost in Edinburgh after apparently travelling there on the train from London all by itself. Mickey was discovered scurrying around at Haymarket Station just after the train from England had pulled out of the station. When it became clear that his owner was not with him, staff called the Scottish SPCA.

He was found at around 7pm on Monday ferreting around busy platform four at the station in Edinburgh. Staff at the station managed to get him into a box and he was collected by the animal charity who are looking after him at their rehoming centre at Balerno as they search for his owner.

Senior Inspector Jenny Scott said: "When I arrived to collect the ferret the staff had managed to catch him and put him in a box. He appeared on platform four at about 7pm when the train from London was in the station.

"We're not sure if he has escaped from someone's house nearby or if he has ventured further and travelled all the way from England on the train. He's very friendly so he is obviously someone's pet. We'd love to return him to his owner as I'm sure they'll be missing him a lot."


1 comment:

  1. or maybe the owner put it on the train?? to get rid of it???
    (hoping for an effect like the trains going east in ww2 - "to the working camps") (sorry, er... that's not a joke)
