Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Neighbours unhappy over ambitious teenager's duck calls

Most parents would not support their teenage son in a hobby that leads to police showing up at the front door, but Tate Douglas has supportive parents and a loud passion. The Harrisville 15-year-old is rarely spotted without a duck or goose call hanging on his neck or sticking out of his mouth. It has been that way since the first duck-hunting trip Tate took with his father as a 9-year-old. “He showed me what to do and then I did it better than he did,” Tate said.

“It is true,” said Brett Douglas, Tate’s father. “He is just a natural. He picked it up no problem.” Tate, who has his eyes on a world championship in waterfowl calling, will continue developing his skills at contests at the annual International Sportsmen’s Exposition March 17-20 in Sandy. The teenager is entered in six different duck- or goose-calling contests during the show. Tate says the more calling he can do in front of judges, the better prepared he will be when the world championship rolls around this Thanksgiving in Stuttgart, Ark.

YouTube link.

To help him get there, Tate has one of the best waterfowl callers in the country as a teacher. The problem is that Butch Richenback, former world champion and founder of Rich-N-Tone duck calls, lives in Stuttgart. “We do it over the phone. He puts me on speaker and I set down the phone and walk away so it doesn’t crackle,” Tate said. After “blowing” three routines, Tate and Richenback talk about things that sounded right and those that didn’t. The process seems to be working. “Butch says he can’t believe how quickly Tate picks things up,”

Brett Douglas said. “He really seems to have a knack for it.” Whether it is a natural skill or not, Tate knows practicing will only improve his calling. So he is constantly blowing on one of his seven acrylic calls. But he has been relegated to the basement after his excessive calling irritated people in the neighbourhood.


  1. Hickory Johnson8:32 pm

    another in a series of terrific posts..there are pretenders but there is only one Nothing To Do With Arbroath..kudos mate

  2. Thank you kind sir!
