Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pint-sized bully pays the price when victim fights back

A 16-year-old Australian boy, Casey Heynes, of Chifley College, Dunheved Campus in St. Marys North, NSW, who had been picked on his entire life for his weight, finally had enough when another child started punching him in the face.

Despite the preview, video works.

LiveLeak link.

Apparently, Heynes was suspended from school for the incident. There is no word as to whether or not the bully was punished for his role in the fight.


  1. "Heynes was suspended from school for the incident" THAT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL. The little kid should be expelled and the big kid who started in on Heynes should be expelled and the girl who told of the big kid should be commended. Heynes should be commended for restraint... unless the world is upside-down in the land down-under

  2. melissa9:07 am

    I read about this yesterday and am still in shock. In the video one can clearly see the little kid/bully coming up to Casey and punching him in his face at least twice before Casey picks him up and throws him. Why isn't the bully punished?? And honestly, the only way I could understand Casey being punished was if he pick up the bully and threw him again. However he walked away...so why is he punished and the bully not??

  3. Anonymous11:18 am

    I simply clicked play without reading anything and my blood began to boil. Notice, too, that the bully had a larger counter part ready to pursue who then was curbed by a girl or this would have gotten uglier. My story is that I was much taller than the other kids and as such, I was different. Groups of kids would test their macho or whatever by making much of my school life miserable. I was suspended several times because the teachers simply did nothing to defend me so what are you to do when turning both cheeks only feeds this scum's bravado?

  4. I assume that the school have a no-fighting policy. If Casey was suspended then the little punk who started it should have been suspended as well, and given a more severe punishment.

    I obviously don't blame Casey for defending himself what so ever. I would have done the same and taken my suspension, unwarranted or not, with pride.

    It could be that the school came down hard on Casey because he threw the little bastard. Punching is one thing but a 'body slam' like that onto cement could have seriously hurt the boy. (head injury, back injury etc)

  5. Anonymous11:54 am

    hahaha hats off to the big kid for sticking up for himself...bit extreme with the body slam but hopefully no one will bully him again and he mite get a wrestling deal out of it

  6. Brixter1:35 pm

    Casey is a Hero!! I feel for him. The bullying is harsh and from Casey's friend, it happened to him everyday. I agree that suspension or not, Casey was right on defending himself. Maybe a bit over but I understand him (and secretly enjoyed what he did). The scrawny kid had it coming.

    I guess the school had a policy on handing suspension for violence so I kinda agree with the suspension. But the bully needs punishment much worse than the suspension to be fair.

    If Casey just punched him, I guess he could have gotten off easy but I'm proud of him regardless.

  7. The Rat King3:02 pm

    "There are three things in life all wise men fear: The sea at storm; a night with no moon; and the anger of a gentle man."

    - Patrick Rothfuss; Wise Man's Fear

  8. Anonymous3:07 pm

    the crowd watching is a bunch of cowards, that's why the little turd was picking on him he had an audience. Everyone in this video should be suspended they all made this happen. Casey you really are great.

  9. So, was the bully hospitalized? He looks like he's broken.

  10. That was hard to watch. I agree that the little bully should be punished for repeatedly attacking Casey. Ditto for all the other kids who stood around, egging him on.

    Having been bullied as a kid, I know how Casey felt there. I, too, lashed out in anger sometimes (albeit completely ineffectively, not having a fighting bone in my body). Grownups need to send a message that the bullying was wrong and that Casey's dignity is worth defending.

    However, Casey's reaction seems to have been a case of excessive force, and he should probably face some consequences for that. He might not have meant to hurt the bully, but the latter sure did look broken at the end, as Miss C says.

    I hope both of them get some counseling, or they're at risk of becoming troubled and potentially dangerous adults.

  11. Hickory Johnson7:18 pm

    good for Casey who finally stood up for himself..I'm sorry the school ignores who is the clear aggressor in this tete a tete .. hopefully the bully and everyone else will see this video and realize that further bullying could prove dangerous to their health

  12. Anonymous8:35 pm


    BOTH boys suspended, and apparently only injury "a grazed knee" per this article.

    While I agree that the kid probably finally snapped, that was a scary thing he did, and could have killed the smaller boy. Maybe teaching a kid never to hit isn't so great a plan, when the alternative is potentially deadly.

  13. The fact it was recorded at the biggest lad moved out of the way for the camera at the start shows it was pre-meditated. I think, camera man, skinny boy and the huge lad should be suspended.
    Heynes seemed like he just cracked and its hard to control your self when your in a fight or flight situation

  14. If you're taking on the bully, the point is not/not proportionate response. It is to find a response so disproportionate that the bullying stops, once and for all.

    I suspect, too, that the bully learned more in that 15 seconds than he will during his entire suspension.

  15. Anonymous7:07 pm

    No one has any right to defend themselves at all -not ever - that's the law - period

  16. Anonymous2:20 am

    The bully deserved it. That's what happens when bullies (punks) push their victims to the limit. Big ups to Casey.He didn't deserve to be suspened.Way to go for standing up for himself

  17. Aussiegirl11:37 am

    Casey serves his three days and comes back to school a hero. Little turd is a loser for life... I hope everyone he knows recognises him from this and reminds him for the rest of his life how he got shown up for the horrible little ant he is.
