Thursday, March 10, 2011

Senator refers to Enema Man and Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog

Former US senator Alan Simpson has condemned the younger generation for listening to too much "Enema Man" and "Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog" in an interview. It is not clear whether Simpson made a slip-up when trying to refer to rappers Eminem and Snoop Dogg, or if he was intending to make a joke.

YouTube link.

Simpson, who turns 80 in September, was arguing grandparents do not like their grandchildren today, not just because of their taste in music, but because they were "walking on their pants with their cap on backwards".


  1. Anonymous3:59 pm

    and he started off by saying that "they never write thank-you notes."

  2. Anonymous2:25 am

    ...dang kids now-a-days.
    They are probably listenin' to Elvis and and the Beatles too.

    Thanks Fox
