As the man was being loaded into the ambulance and his friend was climbing in to join him, a waiter came and handed the friend the bill. Manager Kevin Tian was remorseless about the alleged gaffe and said he did not regret the money grab.

"My opinion is that they ate in our restaurant, they have to pay,'' he said. The incident provoked some to criticise the restaurant's actions.
However, the majority of commenters seemed to support the restaurant's decision to hand the customers a bill. An Ambulance Victoria spokesman confirmed that a man in his 30s was taken to the Alfred Hospital in a stable condition.
How heartless! As if that sort of thing is going to happen every day.
If that restaurant were one that I ate at, I think I'd boycott it.
Unless the food is what caused him to need an ambulance then he should pay. There are scam artists who do things like this to get out of a bill.
If someone can fake a seizure well enough to fool the paramedics, then they deserve a free meal.
It must be sad to go through life thinking everybody is a criminal.
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