Passers-by - including children - were left in a state of fear and alarm when they spotted Bruce in the supermarket with no clothes on. The 32-year-old was later found in a drunken state by police in a nearby pub and was arrested.

When the mother-of-one sobered up, she said she could not remember the incident. However, she admitted breaching the peace in Aberdeen's Lewis Road on September 5, 2009, when she later appeared in court. Sentence was deferred for her to be of good behaviour.
Bruce, now 33, said: "I am absolutely mortified about what I have done. I've moved on with my life. I'm now married and do voluntary work with my husband. I don't wish to be in court again - I don't want to be involved with the police again." Sheriff McLernan admonished Bruce.
Passers-by - including children - were left in a state of fear and alarm when they spotted Bruce in the supermarket with no clothes on.
What what?! A naked woman? Jeez, that must've been absolutely terrifying. ;-)
Yeah. Naked boobies and exposed skin. Scary.
These people must not have mirrors.
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