A larger basement window Kline had climbed through when she was locked out a previous time had been covered over by the extension of a deck and the addition of a bathroom downstairs. A spare key usually hidden in the garage was no longer in its place. A relative hadn’t returned it from a month ago. Neighbours would not have heard Kline’s cries for help. A six-foot privacy fence surrounds the back yard. “I’ve never seen anything like this particular case. It appears to be a tragic accident based on a series of events that may have started a month ago,” Lebanon Sgt. Jeff Mitchell said.
Kline became stuck when she tried to get through the window feet first, Mitchell said. Scuff marks on the basement wall from her shoes indicate she struggled to push herself free, he said. An autopsy at the Miami County Coroner’s Office concluded that Kline – a woman of average build at about 5’5” and 150 pounds – died from compressive asphyxiation, Mitchell said. “Essentially she couldn’t breathe. There no other injuries, no signs of foul play,” he said.
YouTube link.
The window, located inside a window well on the left side near the rear of the two-story soft yellow house, measured about three feet wide by one foot tall, Mitchell said. Investigators found evidence that Kline had tried to get into the house another way before settling on the basement window, he said. Kline’s husband, David, reported the discovery of her body about 6 p.m. Tuesday after he returned home from a two-day business trip. He told police that he responded to his wife’s 8:20 a.m. text about a half hour later but never received a reply. That leads police to believe that she died soon after she sent her last text.
I still can't wrap my mind around the physics of the death. What compressed her so she couldn't breathe? She wasn't that big, so it's not like she was crushed by her own weight. Was it the window? It was a foot tall, though. I know my rib cage is nowhere near a foot deep.
So why couldn't she breathe?
L: I'm guessing the window didn't stay up, and it closed down on her, wedging her in and compressing her rib cage so she couldn't breathe.
I'm wondering why she was trying to climb into the house if she was LEAVING for work? the story doesn't comment on this. (she) "apparently locked herself out of the couple’s house on Mohawk Place, Lebanon, sometime around 8:20 a.m. while preparing to leave for work"
Maybe she left her lunch on the kitchen counter? Or, maybe the police need to look for a motive.
@Anonymous - most likely, her car keys were on the same keychain as her house keys. She probably realized she didn't have her keys when she went to get into her car.
Yeah... but how did she lock herself out if she didn't have her keys with her? Most house door locks that I know of don't automatically lock.
I've lived in several apartments/houses where the door automatically locked when you closed the door -- or I got in the habit of automatically flipping the lock switch while closing the door. Only to realize: Oh crap. I left my keys on the kitchen table.
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