After seeing the runners home, Kevin stood near the finish line on Deansgate chatting to three police officers as they waited for the end of the men’s race. While Kevin’s back was turned, a thief swiped his high-tech S-Works bike which was resting against a wall just a few feet away.

Kevin said: “The police officers and I were all looking towards the finish line and waiting to see Haile Gebrselassie win. I took my eye off the bike for a matter of moments. The first thing I knew about the theft was when one of the police officers handed me my gloves which had been resting on the bike saddle but had fallen on the floor.
“I think the officers were amazed that someone would have the audacity to steal something from under their noses.” Supt Jim Liggett said: “It was audacious of the offender to steal the bike when the victim himself was not very far away. However, there were thousands of people near the finishing line at the time and it can become easy to lose sight of property or people.”
More fool he for not locking it up. That bike's worth more than my bike, motorbike and car put together.
While waiting for late passengers to board the ferry leaving Inish Mor (an island off west coast of Ireland) a month or so ago, I notice a young french man rides up on a mountain bike to go back to the mainland. He has words on the pier with the crewman taking tickets and is told to put the bike leaning up against the piers wall, and he boards the ferry. The boat leaves with the his bike still on the pier and I over hear the crewman chatting with the frenchman. As it turned out the french man had stolen the bike while on the island and was trying to bring it back to the mainland for himself. Besides that most bikes on the island are known to other islanders this particular bike actually belonged to one of the crew. What a dumbass. The gardai (police) were waiting for him on the pier on the mainland...
Heh heh, good on the crew!
some of my best friends have been bicycle thieves...Vittorio Dissica for instance!
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