For upwards of £450, you can now get the makeover you always dreamed of from Illamasqua's team of specially trained make-up artists to ensure you are ready to face, not only your mourners, but the hereafter, in style.

Dubbed 'The Final Act of Self-Expression', Illamasqua plans to fill a gap in the market fuelled by an increase in people pre-planning their own funeral.
"At Levertons we have always applied make-up when requested by family and friends or when specified in someone's pre-arranged funeral," explains Andrew Leverton, director of Levertons & Sons, "We are now entering a new era in [which] pre-arranged funerals have become as standard as making a will, it's great for us to be able to offer this additional service."
It's not rare that make up artists do offer their services for the dead. After all, I've never seen a dead inside a coffin without make ups on their faces. It sets the right tone. Funeral Adelaide
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