The flamboyant politician decided to take the novel approach of fighting illegally parked cars by driving over them in a Russian tank. He said: ”I wanted to send a clear message that people with big and expensive cars can’t park wherever they feel like and ignore the rights of pedestrians and bike riders.

”It shows a lack of respect and won’t be tolerated. Of course, you have to have a sense of humour in my line of work and I thought this would be a way of drawing attention to the fact that the city intends to be proactive in its fight against illegal parking.”
YouTube link.
The shocked owner of the Mercedes later exited a shop to find his German saloon destroyed by the smartly dressed civic leader.
Now that's a Mayor I'd vote for.
They need to do this with capable people who park in handicapped spots.
Turns out it was a stunt that was set-up beforehand.
Even so, it is pretty damn cool.
Would be better if he had rolled over those exotics for real, though.
Oh was it a stunt?
That's a shame.
A stunt, but a great one. Hopefully also gets the message across.
@Shakra: With the driver inside
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